

The Global Gender-Smart Fund SA, SICAV-SIF (“GGSF” or the “Fund”) provides a formal complaint mechanism to allow investors, clients, partner financial intermediaries which the Fund invests in, any individual, worker, group or community who believe to be adversely affected by the investment activities of the Fund, and/or other third parties, the opportunity to raise complaints in relation to GGSF’s activities.

Effective complaint handling ensures the right to be heard for stakeholders who feel affected by GGSF and/or a GGSF-financed business or activity, enabling a resolution of disputes while assisting GGSF in drawing lessons learned for current and future activities, and in improving the quality of services.

Submit a complaint

All complaints must be notified to the Fund in written form. Please use one of the following channels:
  • You can file your complaint online by using the form on this page. We encourage you to provide contact information in order to facilitate the follow up of the complaint, but you may also file a report anonymously by leaving the name and email address boxes of the form empty. Please note that in such case, we will not be able to communicate with you (e.g., updates on the complaint’s treatment) if no contact information is provided.
  • Write by e-mail to with the following subject: Complaints – Global Gender-Smart Fund SA, SICAV-SIF. Please note that in that case, the email address of the sender will be displayed to the recipient.
  • Send a postal mail at the following address:

    Attn.: Complaints – Global Gender-Smart Fund SA,

    Innpact Fund Management S.A.
    5, rue Jean Bertels

    L-1230 Luxembourg

Complaints may be presented through a representative when the party on whose behalf the representative is acting are identified and evidence of the representative’s authority to do so is provided in the complaint.

Information to be included in the complaint

The following information shall be provided to ensure a prompt and effective handling of the complaint:
  • Identity and full contact details of the complainant.
  • Description of the complaint and reasons for the complaint.
  • Where necessary, copies of any documentation supporting the complaint.
  • Proof of authority to represent if the complaint is filed by a representative.
  • If the complaint is related to an active project financed by the Fund, please provide the name of the project.

Complaints that are excessive, fraudulent, frivolous, malicious in nature, or that have the objective to gain a competitive advantage, are not eligible.

Treatment of your complaint

Within 10 business days, the complainant receives a written confirmation that the complaint has been received. Each complaint will be investigated through a fair and independent view on the complaint, facilitating a response to the complainant no later than one month after the receipt of the complaint. In some cases, the investigation of the complaint may take longer than one month, in which case the the complainant will be informed about the causes of the delay, the investigation’s status of the complaint and will be provided with indication of the date at which the investigation of the complaint is likely to be achieved.

If the complainant does not receive an answer or receives an unsatisfactory answer within one month from first addressing the complaint, the complainant is entitled to address the Fund’s Complaint Officer via the same channels provided above.

Where the complainant is an investor of the Fund and if within one month from the day on which the complaint was addressed to the Complaints Officer as mentioned above, the complainant does not receive an answer or receives an unsatisfactory answer, the complainant may also escalate the matter to the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) in accordance with the CSSF regulation 16-07 relating to the procedure for out-of-court complaint resolutions. For more information, please consult the CSSF website.

By default, your complaint will be kept confidential. Only parties concerned by the complaint’s investigation will be made aware of the complaint and your identity will not be disclosed without your prior consent. Should you wish otherwise, please state clearly that you agree to your identity being disclosed.